Dental Extraction in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Dealing with a fractured tooth can be a daunting experience, as it often leads to discomfort, pain, and a variety of health concerns. One significant issue associated with it is the development of bad breath, which can stem from food particles becoming trapped in the crevices, leading to bacterial growth and unpleasant odors. Dental Extraction in Dubai can also serve as a breeding ground for bacteria, increasing the risk of oral abscesses.

These can cause intense pain, swelling, and even systemic infections if left untreated. Therefore, addressing it promptly is crucial to prevent the development of such serious complications. While the prospect of tooth removal may seem fearful, it is sometimes the most appropriate course of action to preserve health. Get insights into Dental Extractions In Dubai & Abu Dhabi and its multifaceted aspects by delving into this read.

What Is It?

It is the complete removal of a tooth from its socket. This procedure is typically recommended for a variety of reasons, including both health concerns and cosmetic dentistry purposes. From a health perspective, it may be necessary if there is severe decay, damage beyond repair, or infection to the extent that it cannot be effectively treated through other orthodontic interventions such as root canal therapy or crowns. Additionally, impacted wisdom teeth extraction, which are third molars that do not have enough room to emerge properly, often require elimination to prevent complications such as infection, pain, and misalignment of surrounding structure.

Results of Dental Extraction in Dubai:

It effectively removes damaged, decayed, or infected denticles, alleviating associated pain and discomfort. This removal also prevents the spread of infection to neighboring dentin and gums, promoting buccal health and preventing further complications. In cases of orthodontic treatments, where alignment is paramount, procurement creates space to facilitate proper alignment, improving overall function and aesthetics.

Ideal Candidate:

You can undergo this treatment under the following conditions:

  • Irreparable damage,
  • Crowding or overlapping, 
  • Impacted wisdom tooth, 
  • Dental trauma.

Preliminary Care:

  • If you’re undergoing sedation, it’s crucial to adhere to the dietary restrictions advised by your dentist. 
  • Additionally, if prescribed medications like antibiotics, it’s essential to follow the regimen to ensure a comfortable experience.
  • Informing your surgeon about current medications or allergies is imperative. 
  • Maintaining hygienic habits through brushing or flossing before your appointment is recommended.
  • Alcohol consumption can thin the blood, delaying healing. It’s advised to refrain from alcohol intake leading up to the session.


  • First, a thorough examination of the dentin structure is conducted to assess the need for removal. X-rays are taken to look at the position, structure, and the surrounding bones.
  • Depending on the patient’s preference, local anesthesia or sedation is used to numb the area, enhancing comfort and helping them relax in case of anxiety during the process. 
  • Then, the cavity is widened by gently moving the denticle back and forth, easing the process. A specialized surgical instrument is utilized to loosen it within its socket.
  • There are two methods of procurement: one simpler and the other surgical; In the first approach, the removal is done if it has erupted above the gumline. 
  • In the surgical method of, teeth that have not fully erupted or involve complicated cases are removed. An incision is made in the gum tissues to access the roots, or the surrounding bone is eliminated to facilitate retrieval 
  • Depending on the required method, the tooth is removed by applying controlled force by the surgeon, ensuring no damage to the surrounding tissues.
  • Immediately following the exclusion, a clean piece of gauze is placed over the area, and the patient is asked to apply gentle pressure by biting down. This step ensures blood clot formation and stops bleeding. 
  • In the end, the patient is given a scheduled date to return for follow-up appointments to assess progress and prevent complications by taking prompt action.

Aftercare Instructions:

  • Avoid vigorous cleansing and touching the treated site to prevent dislodging the clots.
  • Only take prescribed medications and pain relievers to manage discomfort.
  • Apply ice packs to the designated area to reduce swelling.
  • Follow a soft diet and avoid spicy, hard, or acidic foods to prevent irritation.
  • Make sure not to chew on the designated area for a few weeks.
  • Be mindful of hot and cold temperatures to avoid sensitivity.


  • In cases of severe decay or infection, it helps relieve pain and provides immediate relief from persistent toothaches. 
  • It also prevents the spread of viral to neighboring denticles and gums, thereby protecting them from severe decay. 
  • Furthermore, it is often the best approach for individuals dealing with overcrowdedness or overlapping dentitions. 
  • You can get relief from sleepless nights caused by the improper eruption of wisdom teeth.
  • Removal of severely impacted teeth can address chronic bad breath caused by oral issues. 
  • You will have a reduced risk of cysts or tumor development in the jawbone. 
  • Additionally, it can help with misalignment, leading to improved facial symmetry and aesthetics. 
  • Finally, it aids in preventing malocclusion (bite problem) and facilitates other orthodontic treatments.

Risks/Side Effects:

  • If the tooth is impacted, there is a risk of fracturing the adjacent teeth or surrounding bone. 
  • You may encounter delayed healing if you are habitual to smoking or have underlying medical conditions. 
  • In rare cases, exclusion in the upper molar may lead to sinus problems. 
  • There are chances of infection, which could lead to swelling, redness, and discomfort.
  • You may experience a dry socket if the blood clot becomes dislodged. 
  • Bleeding is the most common effect. However, it will slow down and stop completely within a few hours. However, we provide medical band-aids to prevent blood eruption inside the mouth.


Depending on the severity of each case and the condition of impact, the price of Dental Extraction In Dubai will range from AED 800 to AED 1,500 for simpler, while AED 1,400 to AED 2000 for surgical approaches.

Book A Free Consultation:

To achieve healthy gums today, gain comprehensive insights into Dental Extraction in Dubai & Abu Dhabi directly from our experts. Register yourself for a free consultation plan or schedule your appointment with our top Orthodontic surgeons at Dental Clinic Dubai.